Two modern rhapsodes of body and space, multidisciplinary creators who strive to expose the intimate relationship between self and movement. By means of new experiences during their workshops, performances and collaborations, they meet each other through their immersive worlds.

Laura is an atypical and passionate performer. Her training in classical ballet and the influence of choreographic, commercial and street styles, in conjunction with a contemporary movement stripped of lines, sees her artistic signature emerge as a creator of movements. When she dances, regardless of the style, Laura commits to inhabiting the role and space offered to her. Technical skills are important, although the exchange of emotions sparked by performative vulnerability is her main quest.

Laura Perron

William - Nicolas is a sensitive creator and performer who succeeds in oscillating between prose and movement to push the audience to be absorbed in dreamlike, imaginary worlds, through a singular approach to the body and space.

He likes to break down the disciplinary boundaries of art, so that it is imbued with knowledge; that a mixture is created becoming an inseparable whole.

William-N. Tanguay



  • Complete the production and distribution of Angles Ronds;

  • Choreographer or movement research consultant for a dance collective or a renowned company abroad;

  • Performing alongside one or more artists for experimental style performances, notably in those which exploit the dancers' partnerwork and floorwork skills;

  • Travel internationally for exploration, creation and performance projects (tours, residencies, research, trainings);

  • Refine and export her teaching programs across Canada;

  • Integrate other related artistic environments such as acting, singing and modeling.

  • Artistic director or playwright for a dance collective or a renowned company abroad;

  • Complete a thesis on the correspondence between discursive act and performative act, or even parallel with philology;

  • Choreographer or movement consultant for a creation by an international company;

  • Travel internationally for exploration, creation and performance projects (tours, residencies, research, training);

  • Develop body dramaturgy, technique in contemporary dance;

  • Integrate other related artistic environments such as modeling, acting, circus and audio-visual.


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